During Surgery
Quick and painless surgery procedure
The eye will be anesthetized with eye drops during surgery procedure. The operation is painless.
During surgery, the eyelids are kept apart thanks to a small instrument called an eye speculum.
Step 1: The corneal flap is created in the superficial part of the cornea with the first laser (Femtoseconde Intralase® laser). The laser has an effect of about 20 seconds.
Step 2: The corneal flap is placed over so that the treatment is performed using the Excimer VisXS4IR® laser in the thickness of the cornea (the hood remains fixed on the cornea with a hinge). Then the eye surgeon performs the laser reshaping treatment in order to remove the defect(s) of vision. The correction procedure is completely guided by a computer and controlled by the surgeon. The laser treatment procedure takes about between ten seconds and one minute depending on the importance of the defects of vision.
Once i-LASIK® treatment has been performed, the corneal flap is repositioned to its initial place. It naturally sticks by capillarity in only a few seconds. No surgical blade is used.
The procedure takes about ten minutes for both eyes. The patient can return home very quickly after control by the eye surgeon.